Safe’n’Snug Twin Pack (Blue) First Time Release in Australia

$69.95 $9.95

1 x Sleep Suit
1 x Body Suit

SKU: SNSTP Category:


As a parent you are probably very aware of the fact that babies are unable to control or regulate their body temperature until they reach approximately 24 months.

To assist parents manage this stage of their baby’s development we have developed the Safe’n’Snug body suit. This inovative product acts as a visual indicator assisting parents monitor their baby’s body temperature both day and night.

How does it work? Using heat transference, if the wearer’s temperature is raised to above 37°C (Activation Temperature), the colour pigment gradually alters from coloured to colourless.

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000 / 3 months, 00 / 6 months, 0 / 6-9 months, 1 / 9-12 months


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